Weekend Wonders.

Tuesday 15 October 2013


So I've got quite a lot going on in the post today.. its talking about Montpelier walk; my make-up look and my outfit look so I do warn you I have a really big feeling that this will be quite a long post so beware, but please do sit back and enjoy! See you at the bottom :) 

Weekend Wonders:

So this weekend my family and myself took a trip down to South West London to take a relaxing stroll through Hyde Park and Montpelier Walk. 

Here are just a few pictures to show you what it was like.

On this day quite a few people stopped me to ask where I had bought what I was wearing and commented on my make-up; so I grabbed a few shots for you guys to have a look and I do really recommend the products I used...well most, at least.

Make-up time:

So firstly for my face (sorry for the really crap quality of picture, still saving up for a proper camera lol) I was going for a more of a colored lip rather than an eye with statement... So more of a casual going out with the family look... I think.

  •  I used my FOREVER loved Rimmel Wake Me Up Concealer in 'Classic Beige' (of course its different for everyone, don't forget if you're buying online to check the color... DO NOT make the same mistake I did... diseaster!)

  • My Maybelline Falsies Flared Mascara which I am yet trying to fall in love with as I just don't get the 'false' feeling with.. maybe it's time to move on... any recommendations?

  • Many people don't really like the products from MUA or think its more of a 'scamy' because of the cheap prices but I actually adore MUA products and do actually have quite a few products from that (which I will write a post about soonish) anyways; back to the point... I was wearing my MUA eyebrow pencil in Brunette which I L-O-V-E to bits! 

  • Lastly my most favorite make-up piece that I had on... My most cherished Rimmel Kate Moss 107 Lipstick; Just WOW... I never really was a person with a thing for lipsticks especially because my parents never really liked the statement lip look but I am just head over heels for this one and definitely won't be giving up or forgetting about it any time soon! If you have any to recommend PLEASE let me know, because I would love to try new lipsticks out.

Now for the outfit:

So I honestly couldn't find much so I went for the mainstream type of style but opted for a cardigan instead of my most loved and used leather jacket. 

  •  MY CARDIGAN! OhMyGosh! I'm in love with it! it just makes me feel so comfy and it is actually quite warm whereas if you were to just look at it you'd think it looks really thin and wouldn't protect you at all from the cold. It's also a loose type of cardy which is something I A-D-O-R-E and the color (which is a baby blue incase the picture doesn't quite show that well) is just innocent, oh so very innocent! I love it! This was bought in Primark a couple of days ago whilst I was rummaging through the sales bit and picked it up and instantly knew I wanted it forever.. and for only £5! What a bargainis!
  • My bag isn't in the best of conditions as I also use it for college but it's hanging on lol! I bought it whilst out shopping with a good friend and she recommended it to me when I was looking for a bag to take with me to college. My bag was bought at New Look for only £18 minus 1p. Not bad at all for a bag of its like.
  •  My dress was bought at H&M quite a while ago and I'm afraid they don't sell it anymore but there is this one which is very similar to my, only difference being there are no studs on it.
  •  My boots ( which realistically belong to my sister but oh well... mine now haha!) were bought on Ebay, I love them because they're comfy and they have that extra edge with the whole stud thing going on! (Similar ones)

If you have managed to reach down here to the bottom then I thank you from the bottom of my heart for enduring all of that! I did warn you though hehe! 

Ways to find or contact me:

Love Ya'll... my beautiful beautiful peeps!
Toodles now... BYE <3

1 comment:

  1. Love the overall look (just for a stroll :D) you look really pretty and I read all the way through you kept me engaged LOVED IT <3


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