Summer 2013 Highlights

Monday 2 September 2013

After going away to Portugal for 4 weeks once again for another summer, it seems like it gets better and better each year. This year I've had all kinds of fun from going buying a puppy to riding boats (which quite frankly doesn't sound so great but I had a fantabulous time with my family and friends.) Here are just some pictures to show you guys.

Walked past this beauty on my way to the tower... shame they didn't let us swim in there lol!
                                                    By the Belém Tower in Lisbon, Portugal.
The plane I was ever so scared to board but managed to do at the end anyways...

I ran into a couple of old friends whilst my morning stroll in the village lol. #VillageLife
The little beauty that I just couldn't let out of my sight, 3months old and ever so tiny, We have named her Bolinhas!
Finally went to go watch a Benfica game as dad had promised about 10 years ago... The man keeps his promises, just deals with them in good time lol.

On the day before I came back to London I just spent most of my day at the beach, trying to soak in as much sun as I could, but that didn't quite work out so I've decided to share the most beautiful sunset picture I have ever managed to take myself.

Thanks for reading guys, I hope you have enjoyed and I'm so sorry that the pictures are all muddled up, I am still trying to get the hand of this.

                                                      Bye dudes and dudettes!
                                                                Love Ya'll <3

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