The Revolution of In The Rose || 2016

Saturday 20 August 2016

Hello my beautiful Rosette's. 
Today's post is more of a personal one about my journey with my URL home.
Hope you guys are all okay and that you enjoy!

I started my blog September 2nd 2013, so almost 3 years ago and I've got to say its been one heck of a journey. As my first post I decided to highlight my favourite moments of my Summer 2013 trip to  Portugal, where you can read here. Therefore, I guess I always knew where this was heading, without actually knowing, if that makes sense. 

I first started out as AnaClaudia1295 as most of you probably know and that was the name for two years, however after two years I thought it needed a re-vamp as I just didn't feel like the name fit anymore. There was never any meaning behind AnaClaudia1295 apart from the fact that is my name and the fact I chose 1295 because I didn't want to put 1995 (the year I was born). Therefore, there was just no meaning behind it and I kind of got bored of it. I also didn't find it very intreguing when I had to promote it to friends or explain my blog to people. Little do you know, that a name with meaning actually helps you love your online home a little more because it becomes personal.

Within those first two years of blogging, the path to success was a bit bumpy for me. I didn't have a clue what I was doing or what I had to do to get better. My posts were never consistent, I never put effort into my images and I just lacked creativeness when it came to decided what to write, which completely sucked. However, despite all of those hiccups, I have always loved blogging and enjoy it so so much!

2 years and 11 months later, I feel like my blog is finally recieving the attention it deserves from me and I know that all the hard work will start paying off soon. At times I feel like people close to know don't understand what it is be a blogger and although I am not an certified blogger or not ranking with the best in the charts, it still requires commitment, effort, dedication and time... LOTS OF IT!

At times I look back through the archieves of my online home and think to myself, how on earth did I know how to create this? At times I also wonder, what made it want to do it. What made me want to share with the world, my interests and update them with my life events (not all of them of course). Anyhow, I am really glad the younger me took that plunge, because without this blog I probably wouldn't be the me I am today and I definitely wouldn't have become the slightest bit creative that I can be.

Last October, I decided to dedicate more time and effort into my newly names URL home In The Rose. I'm not going to say it has all been perfect, because it hasn't been all pink and lace but, its slowly getting there. 

When I first decided to start taking blogging more seriously, I was still under the name AnaClaudia1295 and as I've mentioned above, I just didn't think it had a strong enough purpose. Therefore, I spent endless nights and days pestering my boyfriend, pitching names and ideas to him and the meaning behind them until I finally settled with In The Rose. Many people didn't like it, or understand it but the meaning behind it made 110% sense to me and I felt like it really touched home, thus, in January 2016 In The Rose was born. 

Now, 10 months down the line I still encounter some hiccups but I have learned so much and have so much faith in what I am doing, that I know if I give it the right amount of time and level of dedication, I can accomplish anything I want too. It has allowed me to interact with many different and amazing bloggers and has taught me so much about myself that I didn't already know. At times, I do still find it hard to sticking to my posting schedule if I haven't prepared them in advance due to work and personal dramas and so much more, but I feel like the consistency in it all has improved so much. 

In The Rose has opened up so many doors for me and presented me with so many opportunities, I couldn't be more grateful to the people who have inspired me, supported me and encouraged me through this journey. Although at times from the front end of In The Rose it doesn't look like a lot is happening, believe me behind the scenes are hectic with projects and planning things for the future!

Okay, I think I've rambled on for a little to long now, so the last thing I want to say is, to all you bloggers, youtubers, readers, writers and creators. Just have fun with what you're doing, because you might just end up loving it sooner rather than later!

Lots of Love, A .x

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